Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Shrinkage and creep

Actually, dimension stability of construction refers to the change of dimensions after a long period. If the change is soo small then that may not cause any harm to the structure. As per in concrete also deforms. In concete two phenomena is cause of 
deform they are shrinkage and creep.
The creep is deformations suffered by concrete when it is suspended load. And the shrinkage is suffered even absence of load.
There are mainly two types of shrinkage are;
# plastic shrinkage : The hydration of cement cause a reduction of volume of system of cement with water to extent of about 1% of the volume of dry cement. This contraction called plastic shrinkage.
# Drying shrinkage : The shrinkage tajes place after the concrete has set and hardened that is called drying shrinkage.
The shrinkage is affected by:
• water cement ratio : when the water cement ratio is increases then the shrinkage also wil increase.
• Cement content : cement content is also inter related with the water cement ratio.
• Ambient humidity  : when the humidity is increase then the shrinkage is decreases.


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