Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Shrinkage and creep

Actually, dimension stability of construction refers to the change of dimensions after a long period. If the change is soo small then that may not cause any harm to the structure. As per in concrete also deforms. In concete two phenomena is cause of 
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Modulus of elacticity

# Modulus of elasticity is the relationship between stress and strain. Where it is denoted with E. Actually it is the slope of the relation between stress and strain. This modulus of elasticity depends upon the rate of application of stresses.
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Three phase of concrete

Cincrete have three phases they are aggregates, cement paste and transition zone.
When you see graph between the stress and strain of that three phase. The graph of aggregate is linear that mean to say if stress
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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Compressive strengh test

Mainly in compressive strength test is two types they are
• cube test
• cylinder test
Cube test: 
• specimen is casted in steel of cast iron moulds of dimension 150x150x150mm cube.
• the cube is filled in the three layers and well compacted.
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Tensile strength, compressive strength, shear strength, Bond strength

# Tensile strength
Tensile strength in the concrete is low because of brittle nature. Due to low tensile strength in the concrete may reason of cracks. So it most have necessary to determine the tensile of  concrete. Actually in the comprision of compressive strength, tensile strength is negligible.
   Tensile strength = 0.35 (fck)^0.5
Where, fck is the characteristics of compressive strength.
# Compressive strength
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